Upsala Elementary School students Isaiah Greenberg, Cheslee McDermond, Stefani Pohlmann, and Bennett Westrich participated in the regional Math Masters of Minnesota Challenge on March 9 at Sauk Rapids Middle School. The team’s advisor is Mark Herbes.
There were 22 teams of students that competed individually and as a team on eight sets of mathematical problems in this competition. Isaiah Greenberg a sixth grader, placed fifth and Bennett Westrich a sixth grader, placed sixth in the individual round and the team finished sixth.
Math Masters of Minnesota began as a fifth-grade competition program in 1989 with teams from 44 schools taking part. In 1995, the competition was expanded to include sixth-graders. This year, there are about 4,000 fifth-and sixth-graders registered to compete.
Schools in the area are encouraged to involve as many of their fifth and sixth grade students as possible in the use of the Math Masters packet of challenge preparation materials. A team selection test is provided to assist coaches in choosing students to represent their schools. Math Masters is designed to promote excellence in critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities as well as provide recognition to students for academic effort and achievement.